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Article: Daily Mental Health Practices

Daily Mental Health Practices

Daily Mental Health Practices

Developing a consistent practice that is good for your mental health is key to your overall wellbeing - which will contribute to your productivity, progress and success. Take a break. Self-care first. Make time for yourself. Stop chasing the next item on your to-do list.

You are created by God. He formed you carefully and beautifully. He loves the thought of you so much. God's love is not based on you. God's love is placed on you. It's time to love yourself. No more self-hate. Don't destruct yourself. Start to make time for yourself regularly and consistently – with no excuses. 

Read on for 3 daily habits that we hope will help you in caring for your wellbeing!


Daily Mental Health Practices The Project J Singapore Christian Gifts Blog


Start reading your daily devotionals and the Bible. It is a great way to start your day guided and supported, no matter what you are feeling that morning. Go ahead and read a few chapters of any book that inspires and motivates you throughout the day too! ◡̈ Life is never too busy to sit down for a little while, have a cuppa tea and read a book (or a few chapters).

Movement & Getting Fresh Air 

Move your body, move your mood. By moving at least 20-30 minutes each day, it'll help to calm your mind and alleviate the stresses and anxiety. It could be as simple as going out for a walk in the park, or a slow jog around the neighbourhood. Oh, if you have been taking public transport to your nearest shopping mall, why not try taking a stroll there instead? ;)

Self Check-ins

Very often we check in with our friends and family members - but when was the last time you checked in with yourself? Take a few minutes daily to check in with yourself. Be honest with yourself, tune in to how you truly feel, and allow yourself to feel and honour what your body and mind are going through. Give yourself the permission to feel all the good and bad, and everything in between. We are all learning, we are all growing. Take it easy on yourself, just breathe.

When you prioritise loving yourself, you're not only taking steps closer to the same way God loves you, but you're also enabling yourself to be able to love others closer to the same way God loves them! Make the time to strengthen and love yourself so that you can be of service to others. ◡̈ 

Shine your light!

It is time to show up for yourself.

You are worthy of the time you make for yourself. Practice the things that will lift you up and sustain your mental and physical health. Be intentional in taking care of yourself and loving yourself the way God plans for you. Please know that you are loved in every way, and you are worthy.

For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for His personal possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. 
– Deuteronomy 14:2

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