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Article: How To Be More Like Jesus

How To Be More Like Jesus

The ideal is that we all want to be more like Jesus, to reflect His love and shine His light everywhere we go but the truth is, it's not easy to be like Jesus. 


Yet the good news is, Jesus doesn't judge us based on our works, and He has given us the grace to imitate Him.

Read on for ways to be more like Jesus!

1. Unconditional Love 

There were no conditions to Jesus' love for us. He gave up His throne, beauty, glory and position to die for me and you. He did it to save us because He loved us so much, even though we do not deserve His love. 

It is almost impossible for us to display unconditional love to others if we do not embrace and experience His unconditional love for us first. Take time to bask in His love today. 

Then ask yourself, how can you display unconditional love to others? How can you love others with your heart? 

The way you choose to love others might be the way they experience a glimpse of the Father's love.

2. Prayerful Life 

You can only have a personal relationship with someone you spend time with. 

Jesus spent time daily with our Father in prayer – He knew how important it was to be connected and have a personal relationship with the Father. 

Is spending time in prayer with your Father a priority in your life? Remember – He is always with you, and He loves to hear your voice. Don't do it out of a sense of duty, do it because of a desire to grow in intimacy with Him. That's all prayer is – conversations about anything under the sun with your Father! ◡̈

3. Humility 

Jesus was the King of Kings, but yet He still came down to serve. 

Being humble is not being a wimp, or putting yourself down and let people walk all over you. No. 

Being humble is surrendering yourself under the mighty hand of God. Knowing deep within your heart that you are His child and no matter what, He is going to take care of you. 

Our purpose on Earth is to bring glory to God. Being humble is putting God and His will first - using your God-given talents and gifts to serve others.

4. Compassion

Jesus was moved with compassion for the people that He came to save. Being compassionate should be a part of us – it helps us to be more like Christ.


Pray for eyes to see like Jesus, ears to hear the cries and pain of others, wisdom from above to help others, and pray for a pure heart to receive God's heart for those around us.


On our own, we might not be able to love and show compassion. But with God, we can. ◡̈

5. Forgiveness

Through all the nasty things that were done to Him, Jesus had the power in His mouth to end it all. Instead, He opened His mouth to ask for forgiveness for those who were crucifying Him.


It is not easy to forgive someone who has hurt you, but with God's help, nothing is impossible. The Bible also tells us that we must forgive if we want to be forgiven.


Forgiveness is a command, not a suggestion. Pray for grace to forgive others.

6. Self-Control

Self-control is what's going to keep you holding on to your faith and trust God. Self-control will keep you rooted and grounded on the Word of God.

The Christian life is difficult, but even in the most difficult moment in His life, Jesus exercised self-control.

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. - 2 Tim 1:7

7. Obedience

Obedience can be hard – it can be scary and it requires lots of faith. But obedience is always greatly rewarded.

God does not want your sacrifice, He wants your obedience. Jesus was always obedient, and He surrendered Himself to the will of the Father.

8. Study the Word

When Jesus was a little boy and He was lost for 3 days, where was He? At the church, listening and study the Word of God.


When Jesus was tempted by the devil, what weapon did He use against the devil and won? The Word of God.

In the same way, we must also study and meditate on the Word of God, and always use Scriptures to face and deal with our challenges in life.

9. Seek first His Kingdom

Jesus devoted His whole life to the work of the ministry to do His Father's will.

Are you making the Kingdom of God a priority in your life? Let's be all about our Father's business!

Father, we thank You for Your unconditional love over us. As we grow to be more like Jesus, we lean on Your grace and ask for a double portion of Your strength. Thank You that You are on this journey with us. Help us to shine Your light whenever we go, and give us a deeper desire to know You.

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