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Article: How Do You Forgive Yourself?

How Do You Forgive Yourself?

Everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes even intentionally chooses the wrong way. Forgiveness can be one of the hardest things you have to do on your journey to growth and peace, and forgiving yourself can be the hardest of all. We pray that today's series will be beneficial for you, and we pray that you will stop being so hard on yourself. *virtual hugs*


Our beliefs influence our thoughts, emotions and actions. It is important to change your mindset about self-forgiveness to better understand what the Bible says on the topic. 


If you're beating yourself up over past mistakes, don't.


Without self-forgiveness, you will continue to play the tape of what you said/did, and that will only compound the feelings of shame, guilt, sadness, regret, etc. Forgiving yourself allows for a happier and healthier life. Your energy will no longer be drained by the thoughts of the past, and you will experience the freedom that God has intended and purposed for your life.


While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
– Romans 5:8  

In our Father's abundant love for us, He sent His only beloved Son to die for us, so that we would be forgiven and saved. He never intended for us to get it all right, perfection was never a requirement. We have been forgiven because of Christ alone. So if God forgives you, why are you struggling to forgive yourself?


Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.
– Romans 8:1-2 

Once we accepted Christ into our lives and our hearts, we are set free from the power of sin. So if God says there is no condemnation, why are you still condemning yourself for past mistakes and bad decisions? Your past mistakes and bad decisions are not too much for the Creator of the world!


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. 
– Romans 8:28 

ALL things — the good and the bad — are used by God for our good and His glory. Even what was bad decisions and past mistakes will have a purpose that is for our benefit. In His wisdom, He has provided forgiveness of sin, past mistakes and decisions through the cross. He is faithful to forgive and even use all things for our good, turning ashes into beauty (Isaiah 61:1-3).


We pray that you will learn how to forgive yourself and move on by renewing your mind with the truth of God’s Word. You're worthy to be forgiven. Let go of bad decisions and past mistakes. And begin living in the freedom of self-forgiveness that God has purposed for you.

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