Bring Your Walls Down
When life hurts us, it’s easy to put up walls. We rationalise that God allowed those things to happen, so we think it’s best that we protect ourselves instead. We start building these walls around us – some to cover up brokenness, some to cover up vulnerability and self-consciousness, and some to prevent people from getting to know us. Perhaps it's time to bring your walls down.
The truth is: We can’t experience the love of God and others if we don’t allow ourselves to be known (and thus, loved). We can’t experience God’s grace and affection for us if we choose to protect ourselves from Him.
Living with walls up isn’t really living; it’s just surviving. The walls we choose to build might guard us from harm, but they are definitely keeping us from experiencing the abundant life that God has for us.
Bring your walls down.
In order to experience the fullness of life that God has for us, we have to stop trusting in the walls to protect us, and start trusting in the powerful, capable hands of our loving Father. Here are some ways to help us tear our walls down:
1. Acknowledge the pain and bring them to God
When we run from God in seasons of pain, all we are left with is our limited ability to cope with what we’re going through. But you see, God invites us to draw near to Him for He is close to us. Choose to bring your walls down.
Come close to God and He will come close to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
– James 4:8 NASB
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
– Psalm 34:18 NASB
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
– Psalm 147:3 NASB
God desires to conduct that divine surgery on us. When we acknowledge our pain and bring them to God, we are recognising that there is a purpose in our pain, and one day in this life or the next, He will reveal it to us and it will all make sense.
2. Constantly remind yourself of God’s Word and His promises
In seasons of pain, our minds are often cluttered with negative thoughts, making it almost the natural response to erect emotional and mental walls. When such thoughts are allowed to enter, they would rapidly make their way to the heart.
However, when we arm ourselves with His Word and constantly remind ourselves of His promises, He is renewing our minds, refocusing our gaze back to Jesus, and restoring our identity.
Paul teaches us that for every thought that comes to mind, we are to ‘take it captive to the obedience of Christ’ (2 Cor 10:5). This means to subdue it, and align it to His Word. In the same way, meditating on Scripture equips us to tackle those negative thoughts, and replace lies with His truth! That's how you can bring your walls down!
3. Have faith – Believe that God will turn your sorrow into great joy
God often uses pain for our good. When we think about the greatest sorrows of Jesus (the suffering, shame, punishment, and death for our sin), the result was great joy – the redemption of humanity and the opportunity for us to have a relationship with the living God.
Sometimes — when we look closely enough — God places people in our lives who had gone through similar journeys, to strengthen us and encourage us to step up, to share, and to be there for one another.
There is a lesson in every tear drop and every suffering. He will reveal it to us at the right time. And until that day comes, continue to bring down your walls, and trust that God is working to turn all of it into great joy and for our good – yes, even if we can’t see it.
Our pain and suffering will not last forever. Take time today to bring down your walls, brick by brick. Start placing your hope in God — your great Protector — and trust that no matter how difficult it has been, He will come through for you.
We speak divine healing and deliverance over you in this season, and please do reach out on our socials @theprojectjsg if you would like someone to pray with you 💛
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